Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 Things to Remind Yourself of Daily

 1. You are only one person…

           They say it takes a village to raise a child, so I will say that some work requires teamwork. Cut yourself some slack and be mindful of how much you take on—taking on more than you can handle will only lead to stress, let downs, and unneeded frustration. Remember, you are one of many!

2. You are worthy of love…

            Stop trying to tell yourself that you are not lovable, with your flaws and all someone is looking for you, awaiting for your paths to cross. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to hinder the potential for a new connection simply because you are afraid of repeating a past failure. Remember, you are lovable!

3. You are not perfect…

            Perfection is something we strive for, not something we ever become. Focus instead on improving yourself, that’s possible, that’s an attainable and realistic goal. Do not allow what you see in the media to taint the perception you have of yourself. Remember, you can never be perfect and that’s okay!

4. You are important…

            Never short change the difference you make in the community around you. Since there is only one of you—you’re unique and never forget to value the work you do even if those around you do not. Remember, you matter!

5. You are not alone…

            Often times it is easy to feel isolated and to think you are alone in your suffering. However, you are not alone and while your circumstances are unique and that of your own, there are people every day going through some type of struggle, and like you, they work hard to overcome it. Remember, you are never alone!

 These are 5 things you should remind yourself of daily! 

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  1. This was great! I think I'm going to actually start telling myself these things everyday! I may print them out and hang them up in my dorm. Thanks:)

    1. Glad you could relate and feel inspired by them! xo

  2. Oh, Mark! How inspiring! Cannot wait to show to my students AND to my children! God bless and good luck!

  3. The last one is so true. I was talking to my friend this weekend about how much harder it seems to keep in touch with each other the older we get. You have to consciously make an effort to keep in contact with those you love, especially when life overwhelms you.
