Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bring It, Bag It

What will you bring to the table and what will you leave behind? So many times we enter new relationships with people, hoping to bring all of who we are as a person. Except that we bring it all, the good and the bad.

When you enter a relationship, whether it be romantic or not, you have to bag and discard just as much as you bring to the table. Get rid of your past regrets, insecurities and enter the newfound connection with a clear mind and an open-heart.

This is exactly what I plan on bringing, as I bag and throw away all of the garbage I have hoarder throughout the years. As we seek to see what others have to offer, we must remember what we ourselves offer, and be honest.

Some things I bring to the table is that I like to micro-manage, and I am a stickler for structure. I am also quite anal about certain details, and I am trying to bag that aside and learn to go with the flow, live in the moment.

Could you imagine the difference our relationships would be like if we thought more, not just with our hearts, but also with our minds? If we really reflected on what we go in with, and what we discard along the way?

Don’t let the growing pains stifle the growth you have ahead of you, and never let your heart become dreary, because although life has a way of turning light into dark, what you bring and what you bag away will help guide your way. Bring with you only what you can bare to carry and peacefully get rid of that which weighs you down, because the burden must be lifted.

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