Sunday, December 19, 2010


Has anyone ever tried to deceive you? Think that you were not smart enough to find out?

How do you decide what to be mad at? The fact that the person lied, or that they underestimated your intelligence?

Deception is running rapid in our society. It's as if everyone has lost their moral compass. The truth has become taboo, something we aren't suppose to tell. It starts from childhood- our families deceive us into believing that Santa Clause exists, along with the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. But why do we do that? Why do we instill in them the idea of lying at such a young age? Doesn't that show them that it's okay to lie? I mean, when is it ever okay to use deception, to alter the way another should think?

Society does it all the time, different news media, and social media as well. What we believe, is determined by how we receive our information, who gives it to us, and I think we've lost our ability to tell the truth.

In fact, most truths are partial, and never completely the truth. We think that people can't handle the truth, we want to spare their feelings, well guess what? DO NOT do that...telling it for what it is is essential. In fact, they may get hurt by it, but that's not why we avoid the truth, we avoid it because we don't want to get hurt by it--because we don't want the guilt that comes along with admitting your mistakes and lies.

That is selfish of us, and selfish to the person or group of people we are lying to. Deception is a scapegoat, a way to coward out of telling someone something you just don't want to admit to.

Spineless and foolish of us to believe that the truth isn't fact, if we stopped telling lies, people would begin to hear and see the things they've been sheltered from.

-Global Warming is happening, there is truth in that theory.
-Gay people are not all crazy and wild, there is truth in that statement.
-America needs to really be all about freedom and justice for all, there is truth in the fact that America isn't that.

I could go on and on...but you see, deception is relevant in our society and unless we START GETTING HONEST, and STOP BEING LIARS- we are going to destroy the power and beauty of the truth.

1 comment:

  1. *snaps* this is too real (referring to: "Deception is a scapegoat, a way to coward out of telling someone something you just don't want to admit to"). It is so frustrating to deal with people who are scared to tell the truth. What is most frustrating is that they say they are helping you or protecting you by lying when in reality they are protecting themselves from being judged. I deserve to know the truth and I deserve to be able to contemplate and come up with my own solution to how I am going to deal with the problem. It is like people who lie are coming up with the best solution: to avoid the issue so we can all be happy; instead of coming clean, dealing with the actual problem, and finding ways of remedying the situation so that it won't happen again in the future. THAT is what a true relationship/friendship/familyship? is all about!
