I want to start off that I know in the past, I have abandoned my blog, and in return, now realizing, whoever else is out there who actually enjoyed reading my thoughts, my feelings and so forth.
A few minutes ago I received a heart felt message from a young lady I met through a mutual friend via Facebook. She had read "The Secret Society" and I am assuming a few other of my blogs.
"Honey you don't have to thank me. I honestly really appreciate the fact that you have a blog and how honest you are in it. What is interesting about having a blog is that you never really know who will end up reading it and how they will react you know? And for the most part, I would think that most people would either disagree completely, disregard, or criticize the thoughts i have written. However, your blog is seriously the first one i have read where I actually feel like someone is addressing some of the feelings I have inside. I mean obviously this is a long ass wall post lol but i just want to say keep feeling, keep thinking, keep writing because you never know who you are speaking for/to in your blog."-Aurin
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, my words mean more than I thought they did. I never thought about who might be reading this, who might feel like they could relate, until Aurin wrote me that heartfelt message and suddenly, I discovered I had a greater responsibilities-- to continue to voice the concerns, worries, frustrations and thoughts of others who may not be able to, or know how to.
My Facebook profile gives me a wide network of people in which my words can touch.
I know Aurin is going to read this, so I wanted to give her a SPECIAL thanks for helping me come to this realization.
Please continue to check You've Been Marked...because starting the 17th of December, there will be a blog written every day until January 20th, when school resumes again, and then the Blog commitment will have to change due to my schedule.
I guess I will commit to writing ONE BLOG a week from that point on.
Thank you to all those who read this, to all of those who reach out to me via Facebook, and to anyone else who may want to reach out to me-- feel free to email me at marktravisrivera@gmail.com and let me know what you think, or feel free to ask me questions.
Best wishes,
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