Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Strong Personality: Double Edge Sword

I am a very opionated person, and some say that my personality is a little too strong. I think about how that affects my life, and some of the resistance I get.

Then I think about where I am today, and where I could have been had I not have the personality I do today. People use to tell me that my dreams were unrealistic and not do-able. People weren't quiet in telling me how they felt, or about their doubt.

So I wasn't quiet about how I felt, what I could do, and at times, I let my actions speak for themselves.

I am in college, and some people think I am "too strong" when it comes to my approach to things and people- but my work ethic and standards are simple in my eyes.

1) Organization is vital. If everything is organized, it allows for more effective work to get done.

2) Hard work is the only way to accomplish something; no one who sits idle, and sits waiting for something to happen will never accomplish anything beyond the scope of "waste of time". No great achievement was ever achieved by someone who didn't stand up, work hard, and saw things through.

I understand that my persona may be difficult for others, and understood by most-- but I am not the kind of person who stays silent, and just hopes that everything is going to fall into place.

Yet, it truly is a double-edge sword. Being misunderstood by individuals, and disliked by people is not always the greatest feeling to have.

But then I think about this- those who mind, don't matter and those who matter, won't mind.

Like it, love it, or hate it-- I am who I am, and I can only be me. I won't sacrafice who I am, what I believe in, or alter my standards for anyone.

Guess that double-edge sword cuts deep, when paired with a strong personality.

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