Have you ever known someone one day, and suddenly the next day you have no idea who they were?
In the last 10 years of my life, I've met people, many of whom I still have contact with, and no one I met back then is the same today. Even I have changed a lot from who I was back then, but what happens when the change makes the person unrecognizable?
I am the kind of person who tries to salvage relationship, and save the friendship, even if it's been dying for years, because I would like to believe that the people we were is still somewhere within us. However, the more the days go by, the more distant the memories appear to be, and the less I know my friend.
I am not trying to forget my dear friend, or even replace her, I am just simply stating the fact that she has become someone I once knew, because I don't know her anymore.
That saddens me a great deal, but that also makes me realize that some people are meant to be in your life, and others are simply meant to visit-- so now I wonder if our friendship was simply the passing of two people that in time would no longer communicate.
This is for those we knew at one point, but no longer know;
I hope the times we spent together, the memories we shared, the tears we shed and all of our struggles made an impact on your life, and I hope that you can take something positive out of our friendship. I am sorry I have became a stranger to you, but I want you to know that I will always have love for you and I only hope the best for you.
So as we go our separate ways, I want you to remember all the things I told you about loving yourself, believing in yourself and just how beautiful you truly are. Never allow anyone to tell you different and never give up on your dreams, even if that means you have to chase them all by yourself.